The Smoking Phone

In the era of big data, policy makers that represent conservative ideologies of marriage and the family have to be careful that the evidence of their private conduct in telecommunications data doesn't contradict their reputations with the public. With the publication of the telephone records of the famed "D.C. Madam" on the Citizens for a Legitimate Government website, the family values hype of the website of Republican Senator David Vitter of Louisiana and his advocacy for the "Marriage Protection Amendment" may sound somewhat hypocritical. Strangely, no public apology has yet been posted to his home page, although he has admitted a "very serious sin" to the traditional press. Although Vitter will probably wait to take any action, since the Democratic governor of the state could choose his successor, his website shows a blank public schedule for the next two months. Then again this directory listing for the escort service that has tarnished Vitter's reputation doesn't indicate the fact that their business has been closed down.
Labels: government websites, institutional rhetoric, privacy
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