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Of course, the GOP also has its own YouTube channel. Today's the deadline to enter their big video contest, where viewers are encouraged to submit a video profiling "an American neighbor" who "epitomizes selflessness in service to a cause greater than self." Members of the military, emergency first responders, religious leaders, and teachers are all suggested possible categories.
The RNC site links to, which includes references to "Dr. NOBama" and plugs for a widget that counts up for the "Days Since Barack Obama Visited Iraq."
Unlike the candidate's actual campaign site, the RNC seems to provide no online games to appeal to younger voters. (For those who haven't seen McCain's "Pork Invaders" game on Facebook, reviews are here, here and here. It's a pretty boring app; I deleted it almost as soon as I added it.)
From looking at source code of both the RNC and the DNC sites, it's interesting to note that both parties use Urchin software from Google Analytics.
Labels: big media, elections, institutional rhetoric
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