For years, it has been possible to send digital slideshows that were personalized with image macros that featured the person's name. These presentations were often exchanged among younger computer users -- particularly gamers -- and usually emphasized a range of visual insults that suggested that the recipient had been "pwned" by someone with superior strategic skills. Now this customization of digital text can be used in online video that is generated on the fly.
This technique has now been incorporated into a supposed video site for the fictional CNNBC network, which depicts an alternative reality future in which Barack Obama has lost by only one vote. As you can see from the screen shots below, a viral video that can be sent to a group of friends depicts public outrage among Democrats and praise among Republicans that is directed at an audience of one in a distinct form of niche marketing. Note also that this video borrows from other Internet genres, including web generators, which I have written about, including the popular Church Sign Generator.

Update: The New York Times has gotten around to reporting the story on one of its blogs here.
This technique has now been incorporated into a supposed video site for the fictional CNNBC network, which depicts an alternative reality future in which Barack Obama has lost by only one vote. As you can see from the screen shots below, a viral video that can be sent to a group of friends depicts public outrage among Democrats and praise among Republicans that is directed at an audience of one in a distinct form of niche marketing. Note also that this video borrows from other Internet genres, including web generators, which I have written about, including the popular Church Sign Generator.

Labels: elections, generators, youtube rhetoric
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