Looky Here

In "Agency Skeptical of Internet Privacy Policies," the New York Times reports that a recent press release, FTC Staff Proposes Online Behavioral Advertising Privacy Principles," makes clear that federal agencies are expressing skepticism about how forthcoming Internet companies that collect data are with the users of their social computing applications. The days of non-regulation and voluntary compliance may be coming to an end, according to the FTC's official report at Behavioral Advertising, Moving the Discussion Forward to Possible Self-Regulatory Principles. Certainly many who specialize in digital rights have argued that user agreements with endless verbiage that force consumers to agree to give up their privacy without any conditions in order to even use the products to which hours of unpaid labor are often contributed.
Update: Check out the snazzy new design of the FTC website above, and consider how this story about how "Facebookâs Users Ask Who Owns Information" may show that the FTC has good reason to be interested in privacy policies.
Labels: consumerism, government reports, privacy, technology
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