Thursday, October 29, 2009

Cloud City

Those concerned about what Siva Vaidhyanathan has called "the Googlization of government" may not be happy to hear that "City of LA Moves Email to Google's Gov-Only Cloud" in an attempt to save money on the costs of operating their own e-mail servers. As TechPresident explains, this kind of initiative has been championed by the federal government's CIO for the Obama administration Vivek Kundra:

Leaving aside the vagueness surrounding what "cloud computing" is, exactly, Kundra has been extolling the merits of moving government to the clouds. Google brings to the table rather enormous server farms all over the world, but storing government information in scattered bits and pieces raises security and reliability concerns -- especially after the recent SideKick debacle. Don't worry, says Google. This might be cloud computing, but it's a private cloud with a chain-link fence around it; the company is building a government-only Google Apps-hosting cloud, housed on only U.S.-based servers and staffed by employees that gave undergone the security checks called for by the government entities housing their goods on those servers.

Having one of the country's biggest cities make the Google switch -- while saving money, ensuring security, and giving its employees a bit more flexibility with how they use their email -- might help Kundra sell the idea of moving Uncle Sam to the clouds. In other U.S. CIO news, NextGov reports that the Open Government Directive that the OMB promised to deliver by the end of this month is now on a timetable of "within the next couple weeks."

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