Monday, October 12, 2009

The Twittering Guru

The blog of personal empowerment guru James Ray has finally been updated with a statement indicating his condolences for those who died in a New Age sweatlodge during a retreat at which he was facilitator. However the logic of not responding to individual comments in the era of Internet access doesn't seem to make as much sense.

Out of respect for the deceased and their loved ones and for those who have taken ill and for whose speedy recovery we pray, we will not be replying to individual postings. Instead, we thank you for writing, and we hope you will share in our continued wishes of support, strength and comfort to all those impacted by this tragedy.

See this story in TechCrunch for how Ray deleted seemingly incriminating Tweets from his Twitter feed.

JamesARay: is still in Spiritual Warrior… for anything new to live something first must die. What needs to die in you so that new life can emerge?

JamesARay: Day 5 of SPW. The Spiritual Warrior has conquered death and therefore has no enemies, and no fear, in this life or the next.

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